The Cripple Creek-Victor Pioneers Drama Program is proud to present “CC-V: After the Lights Go Out”

The Cripple Creek-Victor Pioneers Drama Program is proud to present “CC-V: After the Lights
Go Out”, a virtual haunted house, on Friday, November 13th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Although
the Drama Program is young, having just started in 2016, the annual haunted house has quickly
become one of the most popular events in the CC-V School District.
Instead of canceling the haunted house this year due to COVID-19, the Drama students
realized they could make the most of our circumstances by performing a virtual haunted house
using the school security system cameras. They are a very dedicated, hard-working group of
students, and are very excited for this opportunity.
The link for the event is: .
Our annual haunted house is one of our biggest fundraisers for the Drama Program. As we will
not be charging to view, we have set up a GoFundMe page if you wish to donate: .

Annie Durham, Drama Instructor
Cripple Creek-Victor High School