Dear Editor:
The city council, however, moved the finish line once again. Through this process, all council members have stated that they did not want to see the funds taken away from our kids or our teachers, they just wanted to see better accountability. Yet at the end of the day, after getting a signed document providing the very accountability they were seeking, decided not to hold true to their words and take this to the ballot instead.
Make no mistake, this decision is not about funding our teachers’ salaries, nor is it about accountability. This has become a power fight regarding the school board. Not one city council member provided a solid reason to take this to the ballot. One of them delivered a tirade against the district and decisions they have made regarding the charter school and building consolidation.
That is not the topic with which the city council was charged. Another lied about a homework assignment regarding slavery, then refused to comment or be accountable for his statement when proven he was lying. He has since blasted those who support keeping our school funding and urged people to take it away.
Whatever side of the aisle you sit on for the school board, one thing everyone at that meeting agreed to, and which I believe we can all agree to, is that the schools are not overfunded, and an 11% reduction in their funding would be devastating. In addition, the big thing no one will address is the repayment of the loan the school district took out to buy down the 6.725 mils which reduced everyone’s property taxes.
That still has 10 years left to be paid! Should the tax be stripped away, the schools still must pay that loan, with Summit Elementary as collateral. Where will the funds come from? Countless accusations of fraud and lack of financial transparency, yet not one person can give an example of where fraud has occurred. It has become a tagline for fear mongering. If you don’t like the school board, take that up at the next school board election. See this for what it is – an attempt by those on the city council who hate the school board and superintendent to do harm. Unfortunately, our kids will be the ones who pay the price. Don’t force the firing of teachers and reduction of programs our schools can offer. We are a better community than that and must unite to support the financial health of our schools.
Vote NO on ballot 2A and continue to support our teachers and kids.
Phillip Waggoner
Woodland Park