We would like to address the many questions and comments from news outlets, telephone calls, and individual posts to social media accounts regarding the public health, safety and welfare of our residents in Florissant Fire Protection District (the “District”) while Fire Chief Michael Bailey is on a paid administrative leave and the District Board of Directors takes steps to reestablish a quorum of directors. We appreciate hearing from our District residents so we can properly respond to your questions about the ability of the District and appointed Interim Fire Chief Erik Holt to manage any emergencies which may happen in the Florissant area during this period of time.
The District and its legal counsel have open lines of communication with the County Commissioners and the County Attorney about the orderly return of governance responsibilities, following the resignation of multiple directors from the District Board of Directors last month. Through these communications and meetings held with all of the regional fire chiefs over the last several weeks, the District and the County are comfortable that there is no interruption in the District’s services necessary to respond to and assist with emergencies in the District and that fire services can be capably provided through Interim Fire Chief Holt.
Interim Fire Chief Holt was appointed to the interim role and has been authorized to lead the Florissant Fire Rescue team of first responders in the day-to-day operational aspects of managing training, preparation, and response to emergencies. The Board of Directors are the fiduciary stewards of the District, have direct responsibility for setting the budget, reviewing financial needs, and approving the general policy direction of the District. District legal counsel and the County Attorney have conferred regarding the method to legally qualify and appoint directors to the Board, and have determined that those directors deemed elected for a term commencing May 4, 2022 who are eligible electors of the District will be duly sworn in following the end of the current term of office, May 3, 2022. Once sworn in to their office, those directors will be responsible for conducting public business necessary to establish a quorum of the Board and to appoint any additional directors necessary to fill any vacancies in accordance with Colorado law.
Interim Fire Chief Holt’s credentials have been the subject of question, and the District wishes to assure its community members that Mr. Holt’s experience includes a long history of work in the fire service as well as service to his country in the US Army serving in Iraq. Mr. Holt earned a Bachelor’s of Fire Administration, and the following certifications related to the executive officer position: Fire Officer I/II/III, Fire Instructor I/II, Fire Inspector I/II, Hazardous Materials Technician, Hazardous Materials Incident Commander, NREMT/CO EMT-B/IV, and FFT1/ICT 5, along with many other training certifications and experiences related to incident command and fire service administration.
Interim Fire Chief Holt has expressed to members of the volunteer department his commitment to seeing his role through until he is directed otherwise.