TMJ Now Offering Good Prices on Classified Ads

Now that the spring season is here, many have started their cleaning efforts. Selling items is often a good way to get rid of unwanted stuff. The Mountain Jackpot Newspaper’s classified section is a good way to sell items or to advertise a garage or yard sale.

The classified section can also be an affordable way to promote your business or side hustle. With rates as low as $10 per week classified ads can help bring customers to your local business or even your hobby/job website.

Classified ads can also help you find help as your business grows. We can print a text ad in our classified section asking for a certain job position your business has open.

For a limited time, we are offering exposure on our Facebook and our website for free for all classified ads. For more information, call our sales representative Trevor Phipps at 719-761-9489 or e-mail him at

For more advertising options click below.

TMJ Media Kit 2021