Wednesday, Dec. 18
TSC (Teller Senior Coalition) Transit is excited to announce our bus service on Wednesdays and Fridays in Woodland Park and the lower Ute Pass area. TSC also offers a joint venture with Cripple Creek Transit on Wednesdays to provide much needed transportation service between Cripple Creek and Woodland Park. TSC Transit will be picking up from the Senior Center and will be making stops at Pikes Peak Family Medicine, Pikes Peak Regional Hospital, City Market, Safeway, Walgreens, Walmart and the Department of Social Services upon request. In addition, new ride services are available on a limited basis to Green Mountain Falls, Cascade and Manitou Springs. Call 719-687-0256 for more details or visit the TSC website at for a full schedule of pick up and drop off time . .
Undercover Book Club. Scheduled for Dec. 18 at 4 p.m. at the Manitou Springs Public Library, 701 Manitou Ave. Join us for a friendly book discussion over a cup of tea. Book Club books are available at the library’s front desk and are due back on the day of the meeting. You are welcome to join us even if you haven’t read the book.
Special Ugly Christmas Sweater Bingo night at the Ute Pass Cultural Center. Scheduled for Dec. 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Ute Pass Cultural Center. Ute Pass Kiwanis is inviting all to join for this really fun event to help with funding our scholarship program. We have missed a number of Bingo’s because the renovation at the Crystola Roadhouse, and we are hoping to fill the void with this special night. We will have a chili dinner (donations accepted) with all the fixin’s and the cash bar will be open. Wear your ugly Christmas Sweater. and enjoy all the laughs. For more information, call 502-5085.
The Cripple Creek City Council will meet on Dec. 18 at 5:30 p.m. at the CC Council Chambers. This will mark the final meeting of the year for the Cripple Creek City Council.
Thursday, Dec. 19
The Teller County Commissioners will meet on Dec. 19 at 9:15 a.m. in the Centennial Building in Cripple Creek. This marks a change from their normal meeting time due to the Christmas holidays. This will mark the final meeting of the year for the Teller County Commissioners.
Old Colorado City Book Group Meeting. Scheduled for Dec. 19 at 11:30 a.m. at the Old Colorado City Meeting Room, 2418 W. Pikes Peak Ave. The December selection is The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson. Feel free to bring a snack or lunch to eat while we discuss!
Star Wars Party is scheduled for Dec. 19 at 3:30 p.m. at CK Comics, 719 Manitou Ave. The event is for ages 12 and up. In celebration of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker in theaters, let’s celebrate the Star Wars universe with a party! Come in costume!
The Armadillo Ranch, 962 Manitou Avenue will host 7 O’Clock Strings with Manitou Strings on Dec. 19 at 7 p.m.
No Woodland Park City Council meeting due to the Christmas schedule. The next meeting of the Woodland Park City Council is scheduled for Jan. 2, 2020.
Friday, Dec. 20
All I Want for Christmas Is: More Olio! The Butte Theater will host a full length Christmas Olio, under the direction of the Mountain Rep Theater company from now through Dec. 29. The show is great for families. For ticket information and show times, visit
Holiday Headframe Lighting. The giant headframes that are the remains of 1890’s gold mining days will again light up the night sky around Victor and Cripple Creek again this holiday season. These unique mining structures are one-of-a-kind remnants of the gold rush era. This marks the 20th anniversary of the event. Holiday ornaments, some as large as 20 feet tall, will be lit against the starry night skies of the Victor and Cripple Creek starting Friday, Nov. 29. Everything from a Christmas wreath to a snowman will be on display this year. A self-guided driving tour map will be available at area businesses, as well as the Cripple Creek Heritage Center and online at The lights will be best viewed after dark and will be in place Friday through Sunday nights through New Year’s Day, weather/safety and volunteers permitting. This holiday lighting tradition is sponsored by Newmont Goldcorp, on whose property most of the headframes are located. Volunteers from the communities staff the generators and line power connections each weekend. Other sponsors include an anonymous donor, Southern Teller County Focus Group, Cripple Creek Parks & Recreation, and the Cripple Creek District Museum. Support also comes from Black Hills Energy crews who help refurbish the lamps on the ornaments and donate power installations. More information is at
White Christmas Celebration. Set for Dec. 20 at 4 p.m. at the Community Congregational Church, 103 Pawnee Ave., Manitou Springs. Featuring hymns, singing, Christmas storytelling and fun accompanied by piano, guitar, organ, cello and rhythmic instruments. The event is free.
Saturday, Dec. 21
Fossil Beds Activities. The Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument in Florissant is open year-round. The Monument is now open daily 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Monument will be closed on Christmas Day. There also are a number of special programs, guided hikes and special events for the next month. Here are a few highlights: *Science Saturday, December 14th, 21st, and 28th, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.Join Geoscientist-in-the-Park Intern Nichole for some fun, hands-on science activities and learn about the structure of the Earth, volcanoes, and much more. Participants can also complete a Junior Ranger Activity Book and earn a Junior Ranger Badge. Drop-in any time between 11 – 3:00 PM. The science activities are ongoing throughout the day and last about 30 minutes. Follow up with the Monument’s hands-on interactive exhibits and fossil displays, a film, and/or a short hike. Dress in layers. *Night Sky Program, December 20, Night Sky Program, 7 to 9 p.m. Join park staff and members of the Colorado Springs Astronomical Society to gaze at the dark skies above Florissant Fossil Beds in search of planets, galaxies, nebulas, and more. Meet at the visitor center. There are no additional fees for any park programs beyond the daily entrance fee of $10.00 per adult (15 and younger are free). Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument offers 15 miles of beautiful, yet lesser known, hiking trails to explore, a free Junior Ranger Program, three short self-guided trails, a park video and museum exhibits, and bookstore. For additional information, please call (719) 748-3253 or visit our website: or on Facebook or Twitter at /FlorissantNPS The Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument offers 15 miles of beautiful, yet lesser known, hiking trails to explore, a free Junior Ranger Program, three short self-guided trails, a park video and museum exhibits, and bookstore. For additional information, please call (719) 748-3253 or visit our website: or on Facebook or Twitter at /FlorissantNPS
Mueller Hikes and Activities. As the warmth of summer gives way to cooler nights, celebrate fall at Mueller State Park, as the forest turns golden! Typical weather this fall at Mueller brings picture-perfect, blue-sky days. A full schedule of naturalist programs can help you to look, learn and enjoy the surroundings. Evening amphitheater programs will continue on weekends and guided hikes are available almost daily. Special programs this month include elk bugling hikes and fall challenge hikes! The Fall Challenge is an invitation to hike all the trails at Mueller, with a guide or on your own, about 60 miles, in one month! All activities are free; a park pass for your vehicle is the only cost. Scheduled hikes, with special naturalists and park experts, are held on most weekends. For more information, call 719-687-2366.
Ute Ukuleles. Scheduled for Dec.21 at 12 p.m. at the Ute Pass Library, 8010 Severy Road in Cascade. Families are welcome. Learn to play the ukulele at the library! If you already play come for a ukulele jam session with other uke players. This program is for beginners and experts alike. The library will provide the ukuleles or you can bring your own.
Winter Solstice Trail Social. Held on Dec. 21 at 4 p.m. at Trails End Taproom, 3103 W. Colorado Ave. Celebrate the shortest and darkest day of the year by getting out on the trails after dark. Run, hike or bike with your choice of group.
Winter Night’s Dream. Slated for Dec. 21 at 7 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Church, 808 Manitou Ave. A winter solstice celebration of medieval-style acoustic music with the Wayne Hammerstadt ensemble.
Sunday, Dec. 22
Free Photos with Santa at on Dec. 22 at 12 p.m. at the Spa Building, 934 Manitou Ave.
Shooting Program For Kids. Join the Teller County Marksmanship & Self-Defense Group shooting program for grades 8-12 students of Teller County. Instruction will cover basic marksmanship and emphasize the safe and responsible operation and use of firearms. The course, in conjunction with Teller County 4-H Shooting Sports, will offer both rimfire and air-rifle instruction, and be conducted in Victor and Divide. Instructors will include NRA certified and US Olympic qualified personnel. All necessary equipment, firearms, and ammo will be provided. Parents Contact Annie Durham 719-722-9248.
Christmas Eve Services We will be celebrating this Christmas Eve with four worship services. Three will be held at Woodland Park Community Church at 9:30 am, 3 pm, and 6 pm and these will be candlelight services. We will also host a service in Cripple Creek at the Carr Manor Banquet Hall, located at 350 East Carr Ave, at 12 pm. Hot beverages and homemade cookies will be available at each service. Childcare will be available at all WPCC services for children up to 4 years of age. Our Cripple Creek service will be a family service with no childcare available. For more information, call 719-687-9444.
Dinner Sleigh Ride. Come enjoy a dinner sleigh ride with your family, and ours at the M Lazy C Guest Ranch 801 County Road 453 in Lake George. Start off the evening with a sunset horse drawn sleigh ride up to the dining hall. Take a seat and enjoy the Brisket, Chicken, or Veggie dinner. The dinner comes with sides, a roll, and a homemade dessert. Listen to our two wranglers sing country, and Christmas songs with two stepping and line dancing. Head back over to the sleigh and finish off the night with a magical star lit ride to your vehicles. If you do not see a date that works for you please feel free to give us a call! Please note that sleigh rides are snow permitted. If we do not have enough snow the ride becomes a wagon ride, which is similar to the sleigh with wheels instead of runners. Scheduled for Dec. 26, 28, 29, 30 and Jan. 3 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Call 748-3398 for more information.
A special New Year’s Eve Celebration will be held at the Ute Pass Cultural Center on Dec. 31/Jan. 1 from 7:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Featuring dancing, drinks, party favors, hors d’oeuvres and more. A number of local businesses are sponsoring the event.
First Day Hikes. Colorado State Parks have taken on the tradition of hosting hikes on New Year’s Day – to start the New Year out right! Join in First Day Hikes at Mueller! Bring water, snacks, (snowshoes?) and dress for snow! Hikes will be held throughout the day at Elk Meadow, Wapiti Nature Trail, and Outlook Ridge. For more information, call 719-687-2366.
Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis Bingo. Join the fun during the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Twenty dollars buys a packet for 10 games, 6 cards for each game It’s a great opportunity to have fun and socialize with your friends and neighbors. Come early and have dinner! Food and drinks will be available for purchase during the games! This event is sponsored by the Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis club. The proceeds benefit the children of Teller County. For more information, call 315-5004 or email