Woodland Park School District

The Woodland Park School District calls on all adults that interact with youth in the community to attend an informational session next Monday (Dec. 10) on the impacts of marijuana use and vaping on our young people. Here are a few details of what to expect at this important meeting.


What:              Presentation and discussion facilitated by Sarah Grippa from the Marijuana Education Initiative focusing on information to help educators, parents, and community members better understand adolescents’ concept of marijuana use and vaping, as well as the impacts this use has on our youth.  Strategies for engaging in conversations with our children and students will also be presented. 


When:             Monday, December 10th

                        5:30 – 6 p.m.   Free Dinner catered by our WPHS Pro-Start Team

                        6 – 8 p.m.        Presentation and Community Dialogue

                        6 – 8 p.m.        Free Child Care for children and adolescents of all ages


Where:            Woodland Park Middle School Commons, 600 East Kelley’s Road


Why:               Marijuana use and vaping by our students presents a rising concern within the community (and across the state). Through survey data and student conversations, the number of students experimenting with or using these products is on the rise across all student groups. Officials are also seeing that products obtained by students may be laced with illicit drugs. The legalization of these products for adults and heavy marketing seen by our students provides a variety of mixed messages for our youth. Fortunately, our survey data also shows that students are looking to teachers, parents, and adults in the community for guidance. Together, we can provide a united front, helping our children navigate through these tough situations.