Dear Editor:
My name is Michelle Rozell and I am the Heritage Tourism Manager for the City of Cripple Creek. I was involved in “decorating” the downtown vacant windows last year for the “October Arts Month” in conjunction with the Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region’s initiative presented to the city council.
I am taking on the challenge again this year, and finally, with a tremendous of help and support from Jeanne Gripp (local resident), we are going to have an event called “Art in the Park” in support of the COPPeR initiative this year.
The event will be on Saturday, October 6, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The event will be located in the “pocket park” located right next to City Hall in downtown Cripple Creek. The event includes:
-“Make and Take” art/craft projects
-40 ft canvas painting
-Local artists and artists groups with information and demonstrations
-Open mic
-Several small skits/entertainment from the Mountain Repertory Theater group (Butte)
This is a FREE and FAMILY FRIENDLY event to promote the arts right here in Teller County.
Michelle Rozell
Cripple Creek