Three Key Reasons for Voting NO on Ballot Issue 2A

Editor’s Note:  The following letter is addressed to the voters of Woodland Park and deals with a proposed ballot issue that would discontinue a sales tax increase, aimed at supporting the RE-2 School District, approved in 2016.

You should support the 1.09% sales tax for our school and vote NO on Ballot 2A for three reasons.

First Reason: The majority of the proceeds from this tax go directly toward paying teacher salaries.  Colorado is one of the lowest funded states in the country in terms of education, and Woodland Park is already on the lower side regarding starting salaries for teachers.

Removing these funds would hurt current teachers and make it harder to attract and retain the qualified educators we seek for our children.  Most grants are designated for specific programs, so those funds can only be used in particular ways.  The beauty of our sales tax is that it does not have those strings attached other than large categories such as teacher salaries, safety and security, and building maintenance.  With the newly signed accountability agreement between the city and the school district, we, as citizens, can see precisely where our money is going.  We must support those who care deeply for our children and protect the funds slated mostly for our teachers.

Second Reason: Removing these funds would be financially irresponsible.  In 2016, the school district took out a loan as a certificate of participation (COP) to buy down the mill levy, reducing property taxes.  The sales tax funds were supposed to replace those, which they did.  The first job of the sales tax is to pay back the COP at about $720-750,000 per year.  If the sales tax is removed, how will the school district repay the loan taken out in the first place?

There are ten years left on the COP, so not only would removing the funds take money directly away from our children and teachers, but it would also put a burden of $720-$750,000 on the school district with no way to repay it.  No matter what side of the aisle you sit on, it is a universal understanding that schools need funding.  The citizens voted for this in 2016 to help do that.

To vote it away now would be a vote to defund the schools, as property taxes won’t go back up immediately to offset the loss in funds.  Those funds would go away completely, leaving the children in a worse place and the schools scrambling to pay a loan for which they no longer receive the funds.  In addition, these funds make up 11% of the school district’s budget.  Removing that much funding would decrease the ability of schools to provide quality education and choices for our children.  We cannot be a community that undervalues our school and kids.  Over a third of these funds are also paid for by tourists.  It is brilliant to have a means for visitors to help fund our children’s education, decreasing the burden on those who pay property taxes here, many of whom are on fixed incomes.

Third Reason: for the community at large.  Kids from Teller County attend Woodland Park schools.   Quality education is a keystone in any community.  How many people have not moved to Woodland Park because they did not like the schools?  This has been a common theme among realtors, but our schools are now on the uphill path.  The recent CMAS scores prove that, and we should be proud of our schools, continuing to support them financially.  Better schools bring higher quality teachers, provide better education for students, attract more families to the area, and bring more to our community.  We all benefit from solid schools.

Vote NO on Ballot 2A and continue supporting our teachers, community, and kids.  You will find Ballot 2A on the LAST PAGE of your voting form.

Susan Schaeffer

Woodland Park