Busted in Cripple Creek February 19 Edition

2/12/2023 to 2/18/2023

2-12-2023 June Alyce Loterbauer, 68 years old of Colorado Springs, was summonsed and released for 42-4-1409(2) Operated an Uninsured Motor Vehicle.
2-15-2023 Justin Keith Maldonado, 46 years old of Westfield, WI, was arrested and transported to Teller County Jail on a warrant out of WI.
2-16-2023 Christopher Albert Toze, 37 years old of Cripple Creek, was summonsed and released for 7-6-300 Vicious Dogs, 7-6-290 Dog Running At Large, 7-6-120 Dog License Required, and 7-6-140 Rabies Vaccination Required.
2-16-2023 Robert Darrell Phillips Jr, 34 years old of Cripple Creek, was summonsed and released for 10-8-50 Open container.
2-17-2023 Gerald Stephan Gold, 48 years old of Pueblo, was summonsed and released for 42-4-1409(3) Fail to present evidence of insurance and 42-4-1402 Careless Driving.