New city boss. Frank Salvato, who spent nearly 40 years in government service for a variety of municipalities in Texas, took the oath last week as Cripple Creek’s new city administrator. This is the first time in two-plus years the town has had a full-fledged, full-time city administrator. Photo by Rick Langenberg
Final words. Ray White, who served as Cripple Creek’s interim city administrator since July 2020, and actually spent time during an earlier administrative stint with the city, bids farewell during a formal changing of the guard at last week’s council meeting. Frank Salvato is the town’s new full-time administrator. White actually began his service with Cripple Creek as the city’s first heritage tourism director. Photo by Rick LangenbergRecognizing past achievements. Ray White was recognized last week for his work with the city and his past achievements as an aviator and combat pilot with the military. Cripple Creek Finance Director Paul Harris, left, outlined many facts about White’s earlier flying career that few people knew about, and presented him with a special plaque. Photo by Rick Langenberg