To the citizens of Cripple Creek: 

As your mayor, I would like to thank every citizen of Cripple Creek in helping to keep the 

COVID-19 virus from spreading in our city. Through social distancing, wearing masks 

and good common sense we have kept the virus to a minimum in Cripple Creek. 

We would like to show our first responders how much they are appreciated for the many 

hours they have put in helping our community stay safe. Also our staff and all of the 

departments have worked very hard in keeping our city operating under these very 

difficult times. Thank you all for your dedication, it is appreciated very much. 

We are awaiting for the restrictions to be lifted so our restaurants, shops and casinos 

can get back in full operation. Again thank you for your patience through these difficult 

times, together we will get through this. 


Milford Ashworth, Mayor