Benefits of GMF Annexation Opportunity Outlined

Dear Editor:

In a few weeks’ time, the town of Green Mountain Falls will be making an important decision on the potential annexation of Red Devil Mountain.

On behalf of the Historic Green Mountain Falls Foundation, I’d like to take the opportunity to share with the community some information about who we are, what we do, and why we have requested the annexation of this land.

The Kirkpatrick family has a history with the Pikes Peak area dating back to the late 19th century. The Kirkpatrick Family Fund in Oklahoma City honors this family legacy through the Historic Green Mountain Falls Foundation (Foundation), a philanthropic entity committed to the enhancement and preservation of the unique qualities of the Green Mountain Falls and Chipita Park area. We primarily focus on the protection of open space, parks, and trails, as well as preservation of historic structures. Properties acquired by the Foundation are owned in perpetuity to preserve the back scape, protecting the serene views of the national forest from inappropriate development.

We take a holistic approach in reviewing a variety of issues to sustain and protect all the land we own: fire mitigation, safety, and environmental impact of trails and structures. We’ve had the good fortune of successful partnership with the community, the town of Green Mountain Falls, and the Green Mountain Falls Trails Committee to improve the trail systems at the H.B. Wallace Reserve, Mount Dewey and in the future Red Devil Mountain.   

A good example of our beautification efforts is Mountain Road Corner, located at the intersection of Ute Pass and Mountain Road. When the Foundation purchased this property in 2009 it was an eyesore with a number of dilapidated buildings and mounds of trash – it was a poor first impression of Green Mountain Falls. Today it is a welcoming green space with wild flowers, picnic tables, and a perfect setting for the sculpture Four Orbits, by William O. Perry. These improvements are self-funded and supported by the Foundation at no cost to the community.

The citizens of Green Mountain Falls have been good partners in the development of all our properties and we believe the annexation of Red Devil Mountain will provide another important asset benefiting the Town of Green Mountain Falls. In addition to furthering our mission to protect the natural environment, there are plans to add a new trail extending from Town Hall to Gazebo Lake via Red Devil Mountain. 

Additional Foundation properties include the Green Box Arts Workshop on Lake Street and Lakeview Terrace, which consists of two buildings: a historic inn and The Shed, a renovated residential space that will house the Green Box Art Artists in Residence program.  The Kirkpatrick Family Fund has also partnered with the Town on restoration efforts of the Sallie Bush Community Building, a Lake Street Beautification Project, maintenance projects to the park and Gazebo Lake, and hosting the annual Green Box Arts Festival each summer.

I hope this letter has provided some insight as to what the Historic Green Mountain Falls Foundation is and seeks to do for the community. We appreciate the thoughtful deliberation of the Trustees and community as we continue our efforts to be responsible stewards of all our properties, including Red Devil Mountain.

Liz Eickman

Director – Kirkpatrick Family Fund