Almanac Week of 07.16.2019

Tuesday, July 16

The Green Mountain Falls Board of Trustees will meet on July 16 at 7 p.m. in the GMF Town Hall.

Wednesday, July 17

The Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis Club will meet on Wednesdays at 6:45 a.m. in the Crystola Roadhouse in Crystola.

TSC (Teller Senior Coalition) Transit is excited to announce our bus service on Wednesdays and Fridays in Woodland Park and the lower Ute Pass area. TSC also offers a joint venture with Cripple Creek Transit on Wednesdays to provide much needed transportation service between Cripple Creek and Woodland Park. TSC Transit will be picking up from the Senior Center and will be making stops at Pikes Peak Family Medicine, Pikes Peak Regional Hospital, City Market, Safeway, Walgreens, Walmart and the Department of Social Services upon request. In addition, new ride services are available on a limited basis to Green Mountain Falls, Cascade and Manitou Springs. Call 719-687-0256 for more details or visit the TSC website at www.tellerseniorcoalition.orgfor a full schedule of pick up and drop off time   .  .

The Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce will conduct their monthly After Hours at 5:30 p.m. on July 17. This is a prime opportunity for networking and mingling with old friends and clients. This month’s After Hours is hosted by Andersen Enterprises at 750 East Hwy. 24, and it will feature a Hawaiian Christmas in July theme. The festivities will include a Creative Costume Contest and a Raffle. All proceeds benefit Focus on the Forest. For more information, visit the Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce website, or call 719-687-9885.

Wednesday, July 17

The Cripple Creek City Council will meet on July 17 at 5:30 p.m. in the Cripple Creek Council Chambers, next to city hall.

Thursday, July 18

Tops, Take Off Pounds Sensibly. The original nonprofit weight-loss group is an educational support group providing weekly weigh-ins and programs to help members to make positive changes in the role food plays in their lives. The local chapter meets every Thursday at 9 a.m. in Green Mountain Falls at the Church in the Wildwood. Call Evelyn at 719-748-8383 for more information.

What Do You Believe About UFO’s. Join us for a presentation by Steve Alexander, Founder and Director of the UFO Institute International and Executive Producer of the film Another Plan From Outer Space. The presentation will be held at the Woodland Park Public Library on July 18 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

The Woodland Park City Council will meet on July 18 at 7 p.m. in the WP Council Chambers, next to city hall.


Friday, July 19

Golf Tourneys. The Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce will host their annual golf tournament on Friday, July 19 at the Shining Mountain Golf Course. This is a scramble (best ball) format with plenty of prizes, and is one of the most popular tourneys of the summer. The tournament also features a special lunch. For more information, call 687-9885. Also, the annual “Coach D” tournament is scheduled for Saturday, July 27, in honor of one of the most revered former coaches and teachers at the Woodland Park RE-2 School District. This tournament will take place at Shining Mountain. Call 687-7587 for more details.


Woodland Park Farmer’s Market. Woodland Park’s Award Winning Outdoor Summer Market for 2019 season will be held on Henrietta Ave located one block North of Highway 24 in Woodland Park every Friday during the summer and early fall Our Market features vegetables, breads, pies, pastries, jams, honey & pickles, salsas, pastas, birdseeds, birdhouses & toys, pet treats & miscellaneous items, natural meats, eggs, cheeses,  flowers and plants, a variety of hot foods & drinks and seasonal specials. It will be held Fridays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call 719-648-7286 for more information.



Links Fever. The Shining Mountain Golf Course and Bella Vista Bar and Grill is now open for the 2019 season, and for special events. Happy hours at the bar will usually occur from 3 to 6 p.m. with drink specials. Live music occurs on most Friday evenings. The course is open for play and is in great condition for this time of year. For more information, call 719-687-7587.



Opening of Grease The Butte Theater in Cripple Creek has kicked off their professional season with seven shows planned for this year. My Partner, a classic melodrama and olio, has returned to the stage with a new twist. This classic was originally done by the Cripple Creek Imperial Players. The classic melodrama is one of the main signature shows featured this year at the Butte. It will play from June 21 to Aug. 18. And on July 5, the Butte will feature the opening of the popular Tony-award-winning musical Grease, with the book, music and lyrics by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey. Grease will play at the Butte from July 5 to Aug. 17. For more information, visit

Saturday, July 20

Gold Rush Days. Join us in celebrating 125 years of mining heritage at Victor Gold Rush Days July 20 & 21 in historic Victor, Colorado – the City of Gold Mines.  Victor is located at nearly 10,000 feet elevation on the southwest side of Pikes Peak in the Cripple Creek Victor Mining District.  We are located one hour west of Colorado Springs on Highway 67 and only five miles south of Cripple Creek on the Gold Belt National Scenic Byway.  Victor Gold Rush Day events will include competitive mining games, mine tours, gold panning, live music and entertainment, pancake breakfast, vintage baseball tournament, historic house/building tour, Rocky Mountain tractor pullers, music, and vendors.  While in town, check out our merchants, museums and eateries located in a designated National Historic District.   Take a little trip and step back in time!

The Annual Victor Historic Home & Building Tour is on Saturday, July 20 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.  The tour includes guided interior tours of the Midland Terminal Railroad Depot, the fantastic Shopkeeper’s Quarters at the Historic Gardner Mercantile, and three historic homesTickets $10 per person.  Children 10 & under free when accompanied by an adult.  Allow at least one hour to visit all the sites.Tickets available from the Fragile Edge Gift Shop (318 Victor Ave),MidCentury Elegance inside Gallery 80860 (102 S 4th St), and Prospector’s Pick Antiques (106 N 4th St).  Last tickets sold at 3 p.m.  Sponsored by the Victor Heritage Society.


Fossil Beds Activities.  The Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument in Florissant is open year-round. The Monument is now open daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There also are a number of special programs, guided hikes and special events for the month. Here are some highlights. *On Friday, July 26, a Night Sky Program will occur from 8:30 PM – 10:30 PM.  Join park staff and members of the Colorado Springs Astronomical Society to gaze at the dark skies above Florissant Fossil Beds in search of planets, galaxies, nebulas, and more. Meet at the visitor center.*On Saturday, July 27, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m, Celebrate the history and cultures of the Florissant valley.  Take a tour of the homestead, learn why someone once tried to saw apart a petrified stump, and learn about tribal connections with the area. In addition, the Fossil Beds will have many daily programs, including *Ranger Guided Walk at 11 a.m. along a 1 mile guided hike on the Petrified Forest Trail. *Fossil Learning Lab, Every Day 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.Learn how scientists discover and research fossils in the Yurt *Hornbek Homestead, Saturdays and Sundays,  11 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Take a tour of an 1878 homestead. *Interpretive Talk, Saturdays and Sundays,  10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Thirty minute interpretive presentation in the amphitheater. For more information, call 748-3253.

Mueller Hikes and Activities. The smell of a campfire and the echoing song of a hermit thrush await visitors at Mueller State Park in summer. Naturalists and volunteers at Mueller love to share the wonder and science of all the living things at the park.  Programs highlight local wildlife, favorite flowers, unique features and local history at the park. Choose from the many types of programs offered including guided hikes, children’s programs, evening amphitheater programs, bird watching, fly-fishing, archery and much more!  Of special interest is our Thursday night series of history of the Pikes Peak region with Paul Thies.  Each Thursday, will be a new program on a different time and people including Native Americans, early explorers, military, fur traders, mining and railroads – all in the Pikes Peak region! We are very grateful to all our partners who help provide a great, fun and safe family event. We also have regular guided hikes, mostly on the weekends.Check our website or call ahead for conditions (719) 687-2366.


Ute Pass Historical Society offers FREE guided tours of History Park and the Walking Tour of downtown Woodland Park every Saturday this summer, continuing through August 31. The 90-minute Walking Tour of Downtown Woodland Park begins at 9:30 a.m., so please arrive at the UPHS Museum Center by 9:20 a.m. The Museum Center is located at 231 E. Henrietta Avenue, next to the Woodland Park Public Library. Don’t forget to bring plenty of water and a light sweater. After the downtown walking tour, walk through the bygone days with Ute Pass Historical Society. The tour of the five buildings comprising History Park is at 11 a.m. Exhibits and contents have recently been refashioned. While at History Park, visit the Old Curiosity Gift Shop, which offers an extensive selection of books and unique gift items. The Gift Shop is located in the Museum Center and is open year-round, Wednesdays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call UPHS at 719.686.7512 or check out the Website at


 Assessor Office Update. The Teller County Assessor’s website has been updated to assist citizens and property owners with ease of access.  Please go to  The website consists of updated links, videos, and appeal process information.  If you have questions / comments, please call 719-689-2941 or visit the office at 101 W. Bennett Ave., Cripple Creek, CO 80813.


Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis Bingo. Join the fun at the Crystola Roadhouse during the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Twenty dollars buys a packet for 10 games, 6 cards for each game It’s a great opportunity to have fun and socialize with your friends and neighbors. Come early and have dinner! Food and drinks will be available for purchase during the games!  This event is sponsored by the Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis club.  The proceeds benefit the children of Teller County.

 Bronc Day. The 81st annual Bronc Day Festival will occur in Green Mountain Falls on Jul 27. This annual tradition features a pancake breakfast, a parade, live music, a spree of games and contests and more. See related story in this week’s TMJ.

The Manitou Springs Chamber of Commerce will host the first Friday Art Walk in downtown Manitou Springs on Aug. 2 from 5 to 8 p.m. For more information, call the Manitou Springs Chamber of Commerce, Visitors Bureau and Office of Economic Development at 719-685-5089 or visit

Movie Above the Clouds is a free family friendly outdoor movie held at the Midland Pavilion outside the Ute Pass Cultural Center in Woodland Park. On Aug. 9 from 7 to 8 p.m, enjoy a FAMILY PICNIC Find your spot for a picnic before the movie. At 7 p.m., ACTIVITIES & GAMES will occur for little kids in the library rotary terrace area. BRING BLANKETS AND CHAIRS. At 8 p.m., there will be a PG FAMILY FRIENDLY MOVIE (Sunset) Free popcorn & drink during the movie, donations received. (The movie will be moved indoors at the (UPCC) Ute Pass Cultural Center if it is raining during movie time) FMI:

Touch-A-Truck Day. Scheduled for Aug 14. This is the19th Annual Touch-A-Truck  Day at Meadow Wood Sports Complex in Woodland Park from 10 a.m. to noon. A FREE event. Kids come climb and crawl on more than 20 big trucks and emergency vehicles. Vehicles you can expect to experience are Fire Engines, Ambulance, Dump Trucks, Snow Plow, Street Sweeper, Police Car, Back Hoe, School Bus and more. FMI: