Almanac Week of 02.19.2019

Tuesday, Feb. 19

The Green Mountain Falls Board of Trustees will meet on Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. in the GMF Town Hall. 

February Business After Hours. Scheduled for Feb. 19 at the Shining Mountain Golf Course, starting at 5:30 p.m. This month’s Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce gathering is being sponsored by Park State Bank & Trust. A brief presentation will be made by local Girl Scout Bianca Bryant the founder of the Golden Meadows Dog Park. In addition, Hors d’oeuvres will be provided by the Swiss Chalet restaurant. Chamber Business After Hours is Teller County’s largest networking event.  All Greater Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce members are encouraged to attend.  Take advantage of this opportunity to network and catch up with your friends, clients and customers plus meet new members in an informal setting.  Business After Hours is a great way to share information about your business and learn about other members. Fun, food, drinks and door prizes.  
Don’t forget your business cards!

Wednesday, Feb. 20

 Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument Re-opened. With the recent enactment of the continuing resolution, staff at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument have resumed regular operations  Please for updated information about the park and programs including special winter programs. Due to the partial government shutdown, the Fossil Beds was closed during most of January. The Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument employees are happy to be back at work, serving the American people and welcoming visitors to their national parks. They are part of more than 20,000 National Park Service employees who care for America’s 418 national parks and work with communities across the nation to help preserve local history and create close-to-home recreational opportunities. The Fossil Beds park is generally open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.There are a variety of trails to explore and sites to visit. In addition, check out information on upcoming programs, which you can attend free of charge, with the regular cost of admission. Most of these occur on the weekend. For more information, call 719-748-3253.  

The Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis Club will meet on Wednesdays at 6:45 a.m. in the Crystola Roadhouse in Crystola. .  

TSC (Teller Senior Coalition) Transit is excited to announce our bus service on Wednesdays and Fridays in Woodland Park and the lower Ute Pass area. TSC also offers a joint venture with Cripple Creek Transit on Wednesdays to provide much needed transportation service between Cripple Creek and Woodland Park. TSC Transit will be picking up from the Senior Center and will be making stops at Pikes Peak Family Medicine, Pikes Peak Regional Hospital, City Market, Safeway, Walgreens, Walmart and the Department of Social Services upon request. In addition, new ride services are available on a limited basis to Green Mountain Falls, Cascade and Manitou Springs. Call 719-687-0256 for more details or visit the TSC website at www.tellerseniorcoalition.orgfor a full schedule of pick up and drop off times

The Cripple Creek City Council will meet on Feb. 20 at 5:30 p.m. at the CC Council Chambers in city hall. 

Thursday, Feb 21

Tops, Take Off Pounds Sensibly. The original nonprofit weight-loss group is an educational support group providing weekly weigh-ins and programs to help members to make positive changes in the role food plays in their lives. The local chapter meets every Thursday at 9 a.m. in Green Mountain Falls at the Church in the Wildwood. Call Evelyn at 719-748-8383 for more information.   


Teller County VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) is one of many locations throughout Colorado sponsored by the IRS and operated by local volunteers to provide FREE. CONFIDENTIAL and SECURE tax returns. This service is FREE to any taxpayer whose income is under $55,000. Appointments are scheduled at the Woodland Park Public Library from 12:30 to 5 p.m. every Thursday from now through March 11. Times are also scheduled for two Saturdays at the Aspen Mine Center in Cripple Creek. Call Vicki Rector at 719-229-9868 for more information. 

The Woodland Park City Council will meet on Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. in the WP Council Chambers, next to city hall.


Friday, Feb. 22

Meeting Changes. The Pikes Peak Rotary Club recently changed their meeting day from the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month to the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month.  We still meet at the Rampart Library in Woodland Park in the lower level meeting room at 6:45 AM for breakfast, with the meeting starting at 7 a.m. For any questions, call 719-687-4151.

Indoor golf. Even though the course is now closed for play at the Shining Mountain Golf Course and Events Center, the SM bar is open for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, and the golf simulator, allowing linksters to play at a variety of courses throughout the country, is now up and running. For more information, call 719-687-7587.

Monte Carlo Masquerade Winter Gala. The Colorado Springs Chorale announces its 3rd annual “Monte Carlo Masquerade Winter Gala” fundraiser to be held on Friday, February 22 from 6 p.m to 10 p.m. at the Heritage Ballroom of the Antlers Hotel, 4 S. Cascade Ave., in downtown Colorado Springs. The evening will feature dinner, dancing to the Bill Emery Band, casino-style games, a silent auction, and door prizes. A cash bar will be available. The event supports the music and education programs of the Chorale, the award-winning symphonic choir for the Pikes Peak Region. The event also helps the Chorale prepare for an assignment of great honor recently announced: it was asked to be the exclusive choir of the 2020 D-Day commemorative ceremonies in Normandy, France, and the conductor and the members of the Chorale are excited. Tickets to the Monte Carlo Masquerade are $80 and should be purchased either online at or by calling (719) 634-3737. The award-winning Colorado Springs Chorale, now in its 62nd season, is a 120-voice auditioned symphonic choir, made up of members of the community who volunteer their time and talent. The Chorale performs independently and with the area’s top music ensembles, and it also serves the Pikes Peak Region by performing at community events such as the Fallen Firefighters Memorial, the Pikes Peak Summit House groundbreaking, and an annual concert in Cripple Creek to benefit the social services of Aspen Mine Center.  All interested parties should contact the Chorale offices for information about auditions and sponsorship opportunities.


Saturday, Feb 23

Mueller Hikes. Join in a tradition of Colorado State Parks by partaking in hikes during the first part of the year at Mueller State Park in Divide, off Hwy. 67.  Enjoy the peaceful silence in the snowy woods, watch for signs of wildlife and learn their different tracks, and see the hardiest of birds searching for food in the trees.  It’s great to explore Mueller in winter with a naturalist, or on your own, during this beautiful time Don’t forget to dress for the weather!  Hiking at Mueller in winter can bring a wide range of temperatures and snow depths at 9600 feet.  Sometimes there is not enough snow to sled on and sometimes there is a foot or two of fresh powder!  Check our website or call ahead for snow conditions (719) 687-2366.  The majority of these guided hikes occur during the weekend. Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and sledding are popular activities as well.  The campground is still open or stay in one of the luxurious cabins. 

Sunday, Feb. 24

Interested in Shooting Sports. A new Cripple Creek Marksmanship and Self Defense Group is being formed, with plans for using a local range. You’re invited to a community pizza dinner to learn more about this new group. The dinner and information event will be held at the Cripple Creek-Victor High School cafetorium at 5 p.m. on Feb. 24. The event is open to anyone who lives or works in Teller County. Enthusiasts and children are welcome. Free admission. Learn about our organization and upcoming youth shooting, women’s self-defense, general marksmanship, gun safety and outdoor programs. Call 719-689-5988 for more information. See related story in this week’s TMJ. 

Chamber Music. On Sunday, February 24 at 3:00 p.m., First Christian Church at 16 East Platte Avenue in Colorado Springs is presenting their annual chamber music program, featuring small ensembles of woodwinds, strings, brass, piano or organ, performing works from the Classical period to the present day.  A free will offering will be taken. For more information, call 633-8888.


Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis Bingo. Join the fun at the Crystola Roadhouse during the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Twenty dollars buys a packet for 10 games, 6 cards for each game It’s a great opportunity to have fun and socialize with your friends and neighbors. Come early and have dinner! Food and drinks will be available for purchase during the games!  This event is sponsored by the Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis club.  The proceeds benefit the children of Teller County.

 Prospect’s Grief Support Group will feature a variety of gatherings for eight weeks on Monday from 2 to 4 p.m. from now to March 4. The topics will include: the Six Needs of Mourning, Common Grief Symptoms, Coping Skills for Strong Emotions, Adjusting to Changing roles and Identity and Creatng Ongoing Support Systems. The meetings will occur at the Prospect office at 16222, W. Hwy. 24, Suite 120 For information, call 719-687-0549.

A Cowboy Mardi Gras Party and fund-raiser for the Ute Trail Stampede Rodeo will be held on March 3 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.  The event kicks off at the Woodland Station area and then continues at the Historic Ute Inn. Plenty of great festivities, including prizes, games, beads, costumes and great spirits. For more information, call 719-687-9688.

Carnivale Parade. Manitou Spring’s annual Carnivale Parade will march up Manitou Avenue starting at 1 p.m., Saturday, March 2nd. People and pets of all ages are invited to join the Parade. Please remember that the Parade is family-friendly. It is asked that marchers arrive at Memorial Park, 502 Manitou Ave, by noon, so organizers can begin lining up the Parade.Registration is NOT requiredPlease remember the following:*NO motor vehicles *NO illegal activities *While marching, leave at least 20 feet between you and the group before you, stop if they stop.*Stop at least two times on each block to entertain the crowd! *Show up, March, and have fun! This is a spontaneous, fun event! For more information or to volunteer, please call Manitou Springs Chamber of Commerce, Visitors Bureau & Office of Economic Development at 719-685-5089.

Woodland Park Provider Connection Fair. Looking for a rewarding job with flexible hours working with children or adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities? Learn about career opportunities with: flexible hours, part or full time work, meaningful and fulfilling work, and Teller County Employment. Come join us at the Woodland Park Provider Connection Fair, scheduled for March 14 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Ute Pass Cultural Center, 201 w. Midland Avenue, Woodland Park. 20+ Employers will be there to offer employment opportunities and answer any questions! Please bring your resume and must be 18 or older to attend.  For further information, please call 720-341-3751.

Free Scout Day. All scouts and their leaders, IN UNIFORM, will be admitted FREE at the Dinosaur Resource Center in Woodland Park on March 9.  We have the Air Force Academy, Flash and Thelma Memorial Hedgehog Rescue and Homeward Bound Hedgies, Colorado Springs Astronomical Society, Lake George Gem & Mineral Club, Pikes Peak Library District and artist John Patterson. All will be here for a great learning experience and lots of fun! For more in-depth details please visit our website. For more information, call 719-686-1820.  

Boots and Business Gala. The Greater Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce Dinner and Awards. Set for Friday, March 15 at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort, 3225 Broadmoor Valley Road. The festivities begin at 5:30 p.m. A Night of Entertainment, Recognition and Wondrous Fun.  A date definitely to be reserved on your calendar and an event not to be missed. To make reservations, call 719-687-9885 or