Cripple Creek — Teller County Assessor Betty Clark-Wine has made the ballot for County Treasurer. Clark-Wine, who has served almost eight years as Assessor and is term-limited, submitted 222 signatures of which 208 were ruled valid. She will appear on the ballot in the November general election as an unaffiliated candidate.
“I am very excited about the opportunity to continue to serve my fellow citizens and listening to their concerns. In this era of division, I want to be a unifying force in bringing us together to ensure that Teller County is first.”
The County Treasurer is responsible for collecting property taxes and distributing revenue to local governments and public entities, as well investing funds and ensuring compliance with laws. “My eight years of service as assessor to the county provides me the unique insight and experience in property assessment, taxation, compliance, and state audits. My background in real estate and experience with foreclosures will be beneficial in serving as the Public Trustee and, I will use that training and knowledge to continue to provide excellent customer service and care for our citizens.”
Election day is Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018. You can learn more about Betty Clark-Wine by visiting www.BettyForTeller.com.
For more information, contact Betty Clark-Wine at (719) 510-0567.