The Ben-Hur Supershow
Oct. 5, Saturday, The Ben-Hur Supershow, 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., Ute Pass Cultural Center, Free. See dozens of Ben-Hur-related rare antiques and replicas on display, then a PowerPoint show about the inspiring story of how the author came to write the novel (1880) and learn facts about: the amazing Broadway play (1899), then the remarkable silent movie (1925), then the famous Heston movie (1959) and finally, about the recent 2016 movie.
This chain of four blockbusters spans 144 years! Try to guess how many gold coins in the chest, toss the beanbag for second place in the chariot race, take selfies next to historic items, smell Ben-Hur perfume, see numerous Ben-Hur merchandise items you won’t see anywhere else. It’s all here: fun, action, romance, drama, history, Roman times, modern themes, trivia.
Hear this rich story that has themes for today. Free to the public. First time in Woodland Park, one night only. Presented by KP Chronicles, moderator: Ken Valles. 719-687-1436.
12 Reasons to See “The Ben-Hur Supershow”!
- You will see 10+ tables of 210+ items on display, some are over 100 years old!
Including: various book editions, movie and play posters, and an incredible variety of merchandise related to BH (pipe wrench, spices, comics, jewelry, chisel, Boy Scout patch, cookbook, coffee jar, bicycle emblem, refrigerator nameplate, vinyl records, player piano scroll, board game, clock, Broadway play program-1899, an orange-silk covered antique novel).
- Watch “The Ben-Hur Saga”, a fact-filled PowerPoint show! This 20-minute show features actual photos of the play (1899), the silent movie (1925), the novel’s author, actors, sets, film clips, merchandise, music and more.
- Visit several unique booths with things for you to do! Smell BH perfume, take selfies by a chariot race diorama, and by actor Charlton Heston’s living face mask, and by a first edition printing of the 1880 novel, guess how many gold coins in the treasure chest, try a chariot race cornhole toss, see/touch a pair of soldier’s boots worn in the 1959 movie, and more.
- Learn about BH’s phenomenal impact on the United States and the world! You’ll be amazed at the 4 record-setting blockbusters: the book, the play, and 2 movies; then hear how people had such high regard for all 4. Each of them became an American classic that even extend ripples of meaning into our time.
- See how its themes are still needed today! The original novel had such themes and values as: family, forgiveness, love, and the futility of revenge. These are also major themes in the 1899 play and the various BH movies.
- If you like: Entertainment, fiction novels, shopping, first-century culture, drama, acting, literature, epic movies, theater, music, American history, movie posters, even business, then “The Ben-Hur Supershow” is for you!
- Prizes and gifts
- It’s a unique show, never presented in Woodland Park!
- Entertainment and Education-hear/see samples of exceptional music, movies, books, and interesting facts!
- QR codes will take you further into this amazing story.
- Get a free bookmark and info sheets.
- Watch us open up: 1959 BH movie laserdisc, antique BH puzzle from actor C. Heston’s estate, and an old BH spice tin with original spice in it! First 20 in the door get a free, one-of-a-kind token!