Editor’s Note: The following is part of a monthly newsletter, submitted by Tood Dixon, the mayor of Green Mountain Falls, in outlining municipal actions taken in 2023 and a look into the future.
January 2023 – New Short-Term Rental codes became effective. The Town was a recipient of an $80,000 grant for fire mitigation. Bo Ayad started in the Town Clerk/Treasurer position.
February 2023 – Community Forum for the Right-of-Way Fire Mitigation project held. Several House and Senate Bills were identified that impacted the Town.
March 2023 – The search for pool sponsors to raise the $30,000 needed to open the pool was not successful. It was at that time we started looking for other means in order to open the pool. Ice thickness on the Lake was adequate to support ice activities. Mayor’s coffee held to address stilling basin concerns.
April 2023 – Stilling Basin construction resumed. The Parks, Rec and Trails Committed generated options for opening the pool. New body cameras for the Marshal’s office were received and in use.
May 2023 – Announcements were opened for Pool Coordinator and Lifeguard. Pool maintenance began with volunteer labor.
June 2023 – Significant rain and hail storms severely damaged Town roads. El Paso County declared a disaster and the Town joined in as part of that disaster declaration. Initial FEMA meetings were attended. Ute Pass Elementary 4th and 5th graders obtained BoT approval to adopt pool and lake areas. The fence around the lake and old Marshal’s office areas were repaired. A community work day took place. The Town received a generous grant from the Kirkpatrick Family Fund that was used to paint the gazebo, replace playground mulch and purchase a new fountain for the lake.
July 2023 – Green Box celebrated their 15th annual arts festival. Bronc Day celebrated their 85th year.
August 2023 – the Town received a $135,000 CDBG grant to rebuild gazebo bridge.
September 2023 – The Town updated their nuisance tree policy to include dead/dying trees. The Town also had a second round of chipper days.
October 2023 – Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management (PPROEM) sponsored an emergency evacuation exercise. The Town passed Ordinances that allowed Off-Highway-Vehicles to be operated on town roads and an Ordinance that allowed alcohol in Town parks. The Town received a technical assistance grant to develop initial Broadband plans. The Town was notified of a gift from the Kirkpatrick Family Fund to re-envision the Pool Park area.
November 2023 – Work on FEMA damage assessments continued. December 2023 – All FEMA damage assessment projects were submitted (the Town of GMF was the first to complete all projects). “Initial” Town budget was developed and approved. The Town has received property tax estimates from the Legislative changes in late 2023 and an Amended budget for 2024 will not be necessary. The Town received a grant from the Kirkpatrick Family Fund of $65,000 for fuels mitigation.
Looking ahead in 2024
* Dumpster blind site work has started and the dumpster blind will need to be completed by June;
* Repair of the Gazebo bridge will start in 2024;
* We are working to obtain funding to install culverts across Town (part of the disaster declaration);
* Pool Park re-envisioning meetings will begin in January
*Stilling Basin beautification;
*More fire mitigation;
*Guard rail redesign on Hotel Street