The following is a press release submitted by the Woodland Park School District
The Woodland Park School District (WPSD) is pleased to announce that the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has reviewed and approved the enhanced curriculum of three courses at Woodland Park High School (WPHS) submitted after adopting the American Birthright standards this academic year. WPSD is thrilled to report that these classes have been officially approved for NCAA credit. The following courses have received NCAA accreditation:
- World Geography
- World History
- Economics
The American Birthright Standards, adopted in WPSD to improve students’ understanding of foundational American principles and values, have expanded and enriched the education of WPHS students in civics and history. The NCAA’s approval affirms the academic rigor and integrity of the courses, contributing to the overall academic excellence at WPHS.
“We are proud of the effort demonstrated by our WPHS and district staff in creating and enhancing courses that illuminate our American heritage while meeting the NCAA’s requirements,” said Superintendent Ken Witt. “The NCAA’s approval reinforces our dedication to offering high-quality education and preparing our students for success both in and out of the classroom.
WPSD extends its gratitude to the NCAA for recognizing the value and merit of the American Birthright standards implemented at WPHS.
About the Woodland Park School District Re-2 Woodland Park School District Re-2, 155 Panther Way, Woodland Park, CO 80863. Phone: (719) 686-2000. Learn more at