Mountain Almanac for the Week of September 20

Wednesday, Sept. 20

 Wellness Walk. Scheduled for Sept. 20  at the Garden of the Gods Visitor Center at 9 a.m. Meet at the upper level and choose a one, two or three-mile hike. Maps are available. Healthy living tips and mindfulness exercises to enhance your walk. Dress for the weather, wear comfortable shoes and bring plenty of water. Free admission

The Cripple Creek City Council will meet on Sept. 20 at 5:30 p.m. in the CC City Council Chambers.

Thursday, Sept.21

TOPS. Take Off Pounds Sensibly- Meets every Thursday morning at 9 a.m.  in the basement of Church in the Wildwood 10585 Ute Pass Ave, Green Mountain Falls, CO 80819. Affordable, effective weight-loss

Shining Mountain Links Activity.  The Shining Mountain Golf Course and clubhouse bar in Woodland Park is still open for the 2023 season. Tee-times are available, starting at 8 a.m., weather permitting.  Conditions are excellent for this time of the year, and the facility has undergone many improvements. In addition, the driving range and practice chipping  and putting greens are open for practice. For more information, call 719-687-7587 and visit the Shining Mountain facebook page

The Woodland Park City Council  will meet on Sept. 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Woodland Park Council Chambers, next to city hall. The meeting is available in-person and on Zoom.

Friday, Sept.22

Farmers Market. This annual summer and fall tradition kicks into full-gear on North Street next to Memorial Park and occurs every Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Our Vendors come from all over Colorado and provide a variety of products to choose from including, Colorado fruits and vegetables, fresh baked bread, honey, coffee, food trucks, and more. For more information, call Sara Swart at 719-400-9986.


Music at the Depot. Another monthly free concert, held just outside the Cripple Creek District Museum. Featuring High Lonesome Colorado Bluegrass on Sept. 30 from 2-6 PM. To date, these shows have been received very well. Complete with food, and beer!  For more information, call 719-689-9540.

Live Theater at the Butte.  The Play That Goes Wrong.  A hilarious, ridiculous play within a play that wants to everything right. Scheduled from Sept. 29-Nov. 5 at the main stage. Also, the Legend of Sleppy Hollow, scheduled from Oct. 5 – Nov. 4.  Both performances are being produced by the Funky Little Theater Company, and hosted by Cripple Creek’s Butte Theater.  For more information, visit

32nd Anniversary of Limited Stakes Gaming. It’s hard to believe.  Oct. 1 and the entire first week and month will mark the 32nd anniversary of  limited stakes gaming.  TMJ will celebrate the occasion with a special commemorative issue, planned for Sept. 26, highlighting casino action and many non-gaming businesses and the individuals that have made this such a successful industry and a boon to the area.  For more information, and to get included in this issue, call 719-687-0803 or email us at

Creek Week. We are now approaching Creek Week, one of the largest volunteer driven watershed cleanup events in the nation.  This year’s Creek Week will span nine days from September 30th-October 8th and offers citizens of all ages and abilities the opportunity to do their part in making our trails, parks, open spaces, and waterways cleaner and safer for all to enjoy. Creek Week is a program of the Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control and Greenway District, a special district spanning 927 square miles from Palmer Lake to Pueblo, with much activity in Teller County and the Ute Pass region.  The district’s work benefits the people and property of the region through creek restoration projects, open space and water quality conservation, and engaging the community with events such as Creek Week. Trash and debris are common in our waterways: clogging drainage systems, impacting wildlife, affecting water quality and ruining the view of our beautiful natural landscapes. Nearly 200 cleanups will take place over the 9-day program. Learn more about the activities and opportunities during this critical 9-day cleanup at Contact with questions.

Cripple Creek & Victor Yoga Festival.  This is an inaugural event for the CC/V district.  A “One Pass” is now available. Check it out. You are in for a treat! When choosing your favorite Yoga classes schedule time also for the “free” dance event at 1:30 on Sunday Oct. 1st on Main Street Victor complements of Auro Tejas Hemsell & The Shakti Dance School. Following the dance in the street plan to attend the closing ceremonies at Pinnacle Park Plaza in Victor at 2:30 and be a part of The Manitou Drum Circle with community participation along with more celebratory music and entertainment. Festival bandanas are still available for those that purchase tickets while supplies last. It’s going to be the perfect get away fall weekend adventure for girls, besties, spouses, couples, significant others etc. is fast approaching. We’ve got you covered with a wellness weekend immersion of yoga and so much more. The Sound Bath class on Friday 9/29 4:00-5:30 will be followed by free entertainment compliments of the Satya Kirtan Band with community participation at the Victor Elks Lodge 367 3rd St. Victor, CO. 6:00-7:00. Yoga hike where you’ll have the opportunity to meet The Troll “Rita The Rock Planter”, cultural art exhibit, museum tours, ghost tours, nature exchange activities, free concert at “Music At The Depot” at The District museum in Cripple Creek Saturday afternoon. You won’t want to miss the AuroTejas Hemsell & Shakti Dance School entertainment event in Victor, Sunday, October 1st at 1:30. Those are some of the activities during the Yoga Festival weekend September 29th, 30th and October 1st. This event supports local non-profits. Visit:

The Two Mile High Club Fall Festival is being planned for the weekend of October 6-8, 2023. There will be live music, a beer garden, vendors,, and professional wood carving displays, demonstrations, and sculptures for sale. Additional activities and events are being planned so please check back often for updates.  This is a free event which is open to the general public.  Plan your trip to check out the fall colors and spend a little time enjoying Cripple Creek. For more information, visit 719-689-3567.

Woodland Park RE-2 School  Board Candidates Forum. Sponsored by the Greater Woodland Park Chamber of Commerce, and scheduled for Oct. 9 from 5:30 to  7:30 p.m. at the Ute Pass Cultural Center. This event is free, but seating is limited.  We encourage the electorate to come and hear from the candidates who are vying for the Woodland Park RE-2 School Board! Three seats will be contested in the Nov. election. For more information, call 719-687-9885.