At last week’s meeting, the commissioners also paid tribute to the 4-H group and the services they provide in the community and the public service attributes they offer while showcasing the equestrian/agricultural flavor of the county.
The group, as they have done before all elected panels in Teller County, made a detailed presentation before the board and did a little lobbying for their forthcoming dinner and auction, set for Aug. 4 at the fairgrounds at 5 p.m. Auctioneer participants get a free steak dinner and the opportunity to obtain quality meat products, while contributing to the youth of Teller County, and maybe qualifying for a tax write-off. The money raised from the meat auction, allowing bidders to receive numerous pounds of market beef, swine and sheep, helps fund future projects and provides monies for members to attend college and partake in future businesses.
The group didn’t have to do much lobbying with the commissioners, who admitted they are big proponents of the 4-H organization. “These are our future leaders,” said Stone, in addressing a group of 4-H members, who attended last week’s meeting.
Commissioner Bob Campbell agreed and from a personal perspective said his kids greatly benefitted from the 4-H group. “It was a huge learning experience for them.”
This year, the 4-H group members, have hit the public education trail like never before, with a series of presentations, mostly done by the 4-H members themselves, before elected government leaders and many civic organizations in Teller County.
More importantly, these presentations have outlined the goals of the organization and the skills gained by the individual members. In most cases, the 4-H kids did the bulk of the talking.