Town of Green Mountain Climbing Out of Infrastructure Pit

Rick Langenberg

The town of Green Mountain Falls is slowly climbing out of their giant infrastructure disaster pit but still faces big challenges on the road front.


At a brief meeting last week, Mayor Todd Dixon announced that its summer outdoor pool is opening for the season.

Under a revised plan, the pool will be open several days a week, from Fridays through Sundays.


This news has been well-received by the community. Despite the hassles and maintenance costs, residents highly favor keeping this amenity alive.


Getting the facility open, though, turned into quite a feat. Dixon outlined major problems the facility opening encountered in the form of a deteriorating pool floor, with 425 pounds of patch material that needs replacement. That’s not to mention the massive plumbing and required boiler replacements.


Still, even with these setbacks, the mayor announced an opening of June 9, which isn’t that far from their original kick-off date, announced a month or so ago. Under a revised plan, the trustees previously approved funding for efforts to keep the pool open several days a week.


Town leaders were recently presented a variety of plans for the pool’s operation this summer by the parks, trails and recreation committee. They opted for a three-day a week, limited opening as the best and most practical option. Dixon stated that the town could absorb the expenses under the proposed pool opening, which would provide no fees for Green Mountain Falls residents, but heavily encourage donations.


But getting to the finish line in opening the pool has become a tougher challenge than town leaders and staffers realized due to the facility’s aging infrastructure.


The mayor made significant kudos last week to volunteers who have helped out with this project and other community endeavors. He said without the help of local volunteers, GMF may not function well as a community.


Also, the Stilling Basin project is nearing completion, with much improved landscape at a four-way stop at the corner of Hotel Street and Ute Pass Avenue. This project is aimed at helping to capture sediment that normally flows into the lake.


Town Manager Becky Frank complimented the suggestions she received from local residents in addressing a dangerous guard rail situation there.


Road Woes Continue

On the downside, the late spring rains have beaten up local roads, as the town deals with a limited maintenance crew.


On the cultural front, the town last week proclaimed July as arts proclamation month, with a special tribute given to the Green Box group for their support of artistic endeavors throughout the community. Green Box recently announced plans for the 15th annual Green Box Arts Festival, with more than 80 performances, events and classes.


And in following the theme of an active events season, the town has supported a concert series, sponsored by the chamber of commerce. The trustees agreed to waive the special event rental fee for using the Gazebo.



This sets the stage for a series of concerts, scheduled on Monday evening at the Gazebo Island. These shows, encompassing a variety of musical genres, kicks off on July 10 and extends until August 28. This series has been quite popular for the last couple of years.



And in other action, the board finalized planning commission regulations pertaining to horses and the minimum property requirements for equestrian owners and other buffer-related rules.


Fire mitigation also continued to become a hot topic at last week’s meeting, with plans aimed at trying to encourage neighbors to help fellow neighbors in protecting their properties. A variety of programs were discussed.