We are all experiencing a difficult time in the City of Cripple Creek.
Many of our residents have lost their jobs, which is causing issues paying for rent, food, and medicines. Our elderly population is at risk. The City of Cripple Creek municipal government is working with Teller County and other agencies daily to do what we can to address these issues. Most of the work occurs behind the scenes and the City Council is involved in evaluating the situation and receives daily updates.
The city would like to recognize and thank all the non-profits in town that are doing an outstanding job: Community of Caring/Aspen Mine Center, The Cripple Creek and Victor School District, Community Partnership, etc. We all appreciate their efforts.
Our business community, from small to large, has also been severely impacted and your local government is doing all it can to assist businesses in town – from help with information on Federal and State programs that have been put in place, to waiving the casino industry’s device fees for April.
We are facing a significant challenge in both health and economics, but by working together we will successfully overcome this challenge.
– In addition to participating on the Teller County Incident Command System (ICS) Policy Team, the interim city administrator has been appointed to the new Economic Impact and Recovery Team, which is a subgroup of the ICS.
– From the Community Development Department (Planning & Building): Contractors, developers, current/future planning & zoning applicants, and community members need to know that the services provided by Community Development are continuing during this time, particularly for building code enforcement (permits and inspections). It is also important that you know that all quasi-judicial hearings have been postponed at this time with no official date set to resume these hearing
types. The Community Development staff is currently operating remotely, but are accessible during normal work hours via telephone or email only. Due to these changes, please expect to receive a response to your voicemail or email from a department representative within 1-3 business days. Any meetings will be by appointment only and occur by telephone or virtual meeting. Please call or email to schedule an appointment. See the city’s website for contact information.
– From the Parks and Recreation Department: Visit the Parks and Recreation website (ccparksandrecreation.com) and Facebook page for online workouts for home, including Silver Sneaker Classes and Yoga. Please note that the park and playground equipment are closed.
– Community Banks of Cripple Creek is open. The drive through is the preferred method of business and the lobby is available by appointment only. Please call to make an appointment 689-2591.
– The City Council held a regular Council meeting on April 1st at 5:30 PM via WebEx. The following items were on the agenda:
PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Ordinance 2020-01 approving the rezoning of property located at 405 E. Pikes Peak Avenue from R-2 Limited Residential District (R-2) to BB Neighborhood Mixed Use District (BB); Bill Gray, Planning & Community Development Director. (This item was approved). B. Emergency Ordinance 2020-02 amending Article 5 of the Cripple Creek Municipal Code regarding device fees to allow for the waiver of device fees for the month of April, 2020; Paul Harris, Finance Director/Interim City Administrator. (This item was approved). C. TO BE CONTINUED TO APRIL 15, 2020 – Consider application from John & Karen Freeman for Conditional Use Permit for Self-Storage to be located at the Southeast corner of 4th Street and Myers Avenue (Lots 1-4, Block 1, Arcadia Heights); Bill Gray, Planning & Community Development Director. (This item was moved to the April 15th agenda).
Thank you,
Paul Harris Interim City Administrator/Finance Director