A Special Message from the Teller County Commissioners

A Special Message from the Teller County Board of County Commissioners related to COVID-19 Coronavirus.

This is a message to all those who live and work in Teller County-individuals, families, businesses, and organizations-all those who call this beautiful place home. While this virus may be new, our ability as a community to respond to challenges is not new. Our community is well tested and capable. We must not let our fear overcome us. We will make it through this challenge too, because we are strong, resilient, and capable of caring for one another.

In connection with the national and state emergency declarations, on March 17, 2020, Teller County government declared a local disaster emergency in Teller County, not because we are incapable of responding to this serious situation, but instead to enable access to the resources which make it possible for us to respond even more effectively. We are now able to take important steps because of this declaration. Many professionals working through agencies with deep resources across our federal, state, and county governments have been working around the clock to prepare and respond, taking concrete steps to reduce the impacts of the virus when it arrives in Teller County, and it will. These plans and deliberate steps have been taken using the best information available, with the best interests of your personal and public safety in mind. This is a complex and demanding environment where, in some aspects, we are learning as we go. It will take time to get through this, probably getting worse before it gets better. But please be assured everyone is doing their very best to keep essential public services open to you, and provide for your safety and well-being.

Keeping you well informed remains one of our top priorities, because you are part of the solution. We urge you to stay connected, and follow all necessary precautions. Please refer to the Teller County web page at www.co.teller.co.us for the current information and links to state and federal resources. We are working to provide you the best and most up-to-date information available, so that you can make informed choices. Now is not the time for advancing rumors and fault-finding. We sincerely thank all those who have assisted in forwarding factual information to your network of friends and work associates.

We will get through this together. We recognize and appreciate the burden that some of these steps may have on you-on the choices you make, your access to public spaces and enjoying the company of others, having children home from school. Even your employment may be affected, as businesses adjust to the need for increased public precautions to limit the spread of the virus. Please know that we and others throughout our state and federal government have not made these decisions lightly. We are continuing to work closely with our government partners at all levels to keep the impacts as minimal as possible, while preserving your safety and the freedoms we all so deeply cherish.

Our Teller County community is truly amazing. We are so proud to see the out-pouring of offers for assistance, of neighbors caring for neighbors through a friendly phone call or email, and businesses and organizations stepping up to help where they can to accommodate the needs of others.

Together we will get through this.


Marc Dettenrieder, Bob Campbell, Norm Steen