Tuesday, Nov. 6Nov. 6. Election Deadline. Election ballots for about 17,000 registered voters in Teller County, for the Nov. 6 elections, were mailed out, starting Oct. 16. Registered voters should have received their ballots/The ballots must be returned by Nov. 6 at 7 p.m. Early voting is available at the Woodland Park Public Library. Drop-off points are available at the Woodland Park Library, the motor vehicle office in Woodland Park and clerk and recorder’s office in Cripple Creek. For questions, call 719-689-2951. For election result information, visit www.mountainjackpot.com or mountain jackpot facebook. The Green Mountain Falls Board of Trustees will meet on Nov. 6 at 7 pm at the GMF Town Hall.. Wednesday, Nov.. 7 The Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis Club will meet on Wednesdays at 6:45 a.m. in the Crystola Roadhouse in Crystola. . Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis Bingo. Join the fun at the Crystola Roadhouse during the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Twenty dollars buys a packet for 10 games, 6 cards for each game It’s a great opportunity to have fun and socialize with your friends and neighbors. Come early and have dinner! Food and drinks will be available for purchase during the games! This event is sponsored by the Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis club. The proceeds benefit the children of Teller County. The next Bingo session is scheduled for Nov. 7. TSC (Teller Senior Coalition) Transit is excited to announce our bus service on Wednesdays and Fridays in Woodland Park and the lower Ute Pass area. TSC also offers a joint venture with Cripple Creek Transit on Wednesdays to provide much needed transportation service between Cripple Creek and Woodland Park. TSC Transit will be picking up from the Senior Center and will be making stops at Pikes Peak Family Medicine, Pikes Peak Regional Hospital, City Market, Safeway, Walgreens, Walmart and the Department of Social Services upon request. In addition, new ride services are available on a limited basis to Green Mountain Falls, Cascade and Manitou Springs. Call 719-687-0256 for more details or visit the TSC website at www.tellerseniorcoalition.org. for a full schedule of pick up and drop off times. The Cripple Creek City Council will meet on Nov. 7 in the council chambers at city hall, starting at 5:30 P.M. Thursday, Nov. 8 Tops, Take Off Pounds Sensibly. The original nonprofit weight-loss group is an educational support group providing weekly weigh-ins and programs to help members to make positive changes in the role food plays in their lives. The local chapter meets every Thursday at 9 a.m. in Green Mountain Falls at the Church in the Wildwood. Call Evelyn at 719-748-8383 for more information. Meeting Changes. The Pikes Peak Rotary Club recently changed their meeting day from the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month to the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. We still meet at the Rampart Library in Woodland Park in the lower level meeting room at 6:45 AM for breakfast, with the meeting starting at 7 a.m. For any questions, call 719-687-4151. Salute to Veterans Program. Veterans and the community are invited to attend a very special Salute to Veterans program at the Lake George Charter School on Thursday, November 8 at 9:30 a.m.The entire school will be involved in the program and will sing a variety of patriotic songs and present letters of appreciation to all veterans in attendance. In addition, there will be a premier performance of a new song “We Will Stand” which will be recorded with children singing along with veterans and the community. Please come, and be a part of this very special celebration. Refreshments will be served following the performance. The Woodland Park Planning Commission will meet in the city council chambers, next to city hall, on Nov. 8, starting at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 9 Fossil Beds Activities. The Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument is open year-round. During November, the Monument is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There are a variety of programs throughout the month. Here are a few highlights: *On Friday, November 9 a Night Sky Program will occur from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Join park staff and members of the Colorado Springs Astronomical Society to gaze at the dark skies above Florissant Fossil Beds in search of planets, galaxies, nebulas, and more. Meet at the visitor center. *On Sunday, Nov. 11, a Free Fee Day for Veterans Day will occur from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All National Park Service areas, including Florissant Fossil Beds, will waive fees in honor of Veterans Day. *On Saturday, Nov. 17, a Winter Track Detectives program will occur from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Join an interpretive park ranger for a guided hike (up to 2 miles) to discover the clues left behind by the Monument’s wildlife. As a track detective, you might encounter tracks, scat, feathers, rubs, burrows, and much more left behind by birds, coyotes, elk, and badgers or perhaps even see some of the wildlife in person. Dress in layers and be ready to walk on uneven ground and possibly snow. Meet at the visitor center. There are no additional fees for any park programs beyond the daily entrance fee of $7 per adult (15 and younger are free). Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument offers 15 miles of beautiful, yet lesser known, hiking trails to explore, a free Junior Ranger Program, three short self-guided trails, a park video and museum exhibits, and bookstore. For additional information, please call (719) 748-3253 or visit our website: www.nps.gov/flfo or on Facebook or Twitter at /FlorissantNPS Rocky Mountain Christmas Boutique. Featured at Shining Mountain Golf Course in Woodland Park on Friday Nov. 9 from 9 am to 6 pm, and on Saturday, Nov. 10 from 9 am to 2 pm. All proceeds benefit CHOICES. The corporate sponsor of the event is Peak Internet Saturday, Nov. 10 Mueller In Gold. As the warmth of summer gives way to cooler nights, celebrate fall at Mueller State Park, as the forest turns golden! Typical weather in the fall at Mueller brings picture-perfect, blue-sky days. A full schedule of naturalist programs can help you to look, learn and enjoy the surroundings. Evening amphitheater programs will continue on weekends and guided hikes are available almost daily. Special programs include elk bugling hikes, a full moon hike, and fall challenge hikes! Discover why the trees change their colors on an Aspen Hike. Learn what’s happening with all the elk this time of year. All activities are free; a park pass for your vehicle is the only cost. For more information about specific programs, call 719-687-2366. Letters Home Exhibit. The Letters Home exhibit and program, sponsored by the Rampart Library District, will be unveiled with a special showing on Saturday, Nov. 10 from 1 to 3 p.m. in the large meeting room. The exhibit is sponsored by the Rampart Library District Foundation. Sunday, Nov. 11 Movie House Music Supervalue Package. Held the 2nd Sunday every month through May at Gold Hill Theatres, 615 W. Midland Avenue, Woodland Park. Concert 2:30-4:00 pm, movie ticket good anytime and one beer, wine or soft drink all for only $16. Or concert and drink only, $10. The next Nov 11 event features the merriment and Celtic music of the Grateful Dogs (formerly Bedlam Boys). For more information visit www.woodlandmusicseries.org. These events are co-sponsored by Woodland Music Series and Gold Hill Theatres. Call 719-687-2210. Upcoming. Veterans Day Assembly. The Woodland Park School District will host The Veterans Day Assembly on Monday, Nov. 12 at the Woodland Park High School Gymnasium. It will occur from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Join us as we honor our veterans, share their stories and connect generations. Holiday Bazaar donations. ISO donors, bakers, shopper: We are still accepting donations of gently used holiday décor, ornaments, x-mas sweaters, etc. for the annual Holiday Bazaar, Craft Fair and Bake Sale on Saturday, November 17th from 8am – 2pm, at 321 North Pine Street (across from the Post Office). Call 339-0954 for more information and help support our local Senior Center. Birds of the Florissant area. The Pikes Peak Historical Society invites you to learn more about the Birds of the Florissant area at the PPHS monthly Chautauqua on Sunday, November 18th at 2pm at the Florissant Library. A special presentation will be done by Debbie Barnes Shankster, the author of several books dealing with birds in the area. The library is located adjacent to the Florissant Community Park on 334 Circle Drive in Florissant. This program is presented as a public service of the Pikes Peak Historical Society in partnership with the Rampart Library District.Admission is free and refreshments are served. No reservation is required but arrive early, seating is limited. For more information call 719-748-8259 or 719-748-3861. The Mountain Artists Holiday Show will be held at the Ute Pass Cultural Center in Woodland Park on November 24 from 9 AM – 3 PM. Free Admission – light refreshments. Drawing every ½ hr. for $10 coupon for use at any booth during the show. ARTWORK FOR GIFTS OR HOME – Rustic aspen lamps, Rustic Candle Holders, Paintings, Photographic Art ,Fiber Art, Plaster wall Art Murals-Inspirational Pottery, Wooden Scroll Art, Wooden Bowls- and much more. Celebrate the Holiday Season with Ute Pass Historical Society & Pikes Peak Museum! You are invited to an Old Fashioned Christmas Open House at History Park, Saturday, December 1, noon until 3 p.m. Enjoy a tour of our festively-decorated historic cabins and stop by the newly remodeled Gift Shop for refreshments while browsing our extensive selection of books, historic photos, artwork and 2019 calendars. Activities for kids ages 5 and up. History Park is located at 231 E. Henrietta Avenue in Woodland Park. For more information, contact UPHS by phone 719.686.7512 or email uphs@utepasshistoricalsociety.org. Manitou Springs/Colorado Springs The Salvation Army Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be held on Nov. 22 in Memoria Hall at city hall, 606 Manitou Avenue, from 11 am to 1 pm. Contact Andy Wells at 719-459-1630. Victorian Christmas at Miramont Castle. Scheduled for Nov. 23 and Nov. 24 in historic Manitou Springs from 11 am to 4 pm on both days. Contact Miramont Castle at 719-685-1011. Sent from Mail for Windows 10 |