The Green Mountain Falls Board of Trustees will meet on Aug. 7 at 7 p.m. The board is scheduled to finalize a slew of issues that could appear on the November election ballot.
Wednesday, Aug. 8
TSC (Teller Senior Coalition) Transit is excited to announce our bus service on Wednesdays and Fridays in Woodland Park and the lower Ute Pass area. TSC also offers a joint venture with Cripple Creek Transit on Wednesdays to provide much needed transportation service between Cripple Creek and Woodland Park. TSC Transit will be picking up from the Senior Center and will be making stops at Pikes Peak Family Medicine, Pikes Peak Regional Hospital, City Market, Safeway, Walgreens, Walmart and the Department of Social Services upon request. In addition, new ride services are available on a limited basis to Green Mountain Falls, Cascade and Manitou Springs. Call 719-687-0256 for more details or visit the TSC website at www.tellerseniorcoalition.org. for a full schedule of pick up and drop off times.
Thursday, Aug. 9
The Teller County Commissioners will meet on Aug. 9 at 9:15 a.m. in the Centennial Building in Cripple Creek
Tops, Take Off Pounds Sensibly. The original nonprofit weight-loss group is an educational support group providing weekly weigh-ins and programs to help members to make positive changes in the role food plays in their lives. The local chapter meets every Thursday at 9 a.m. in Green Mountain Falls at the Church in the Wildwood. Call Evelyn at 719-748-8383 for more information.
Art in the Park. Scheduled for Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon at the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. Everyone is an artist! Drop in and join volunteer artists and other visitors to sketch and/or water color paint scenes of Florissant Fossil Beds. Stay as long or as short as you would like between 10 a.m. and noon. Ask at the visitor center desk for location. Limited art supplies and seating available. Interested artists may also bring their own supplies and portable chairs.
Friday, Aug. 10
The Pikes Peak Rotary Club will meet at 7 a.m. at the Woodland Park Public Library every Friday.
The Bella Vista Restaurant at Shining Mountain, one of the town’s favorite restaurants, has great weekend specials and events. Don’t miss their great entrees for lunch and dinner and special entertainment during the weekend. Live music occurs every Friday night. Plus, the course is now open for play for the season. For more information, regarding activities at the Shining Mountain Golf Course and Event Center, visit www.shiningmountaingolf.com.
Melodrama celebration. The Butte Theater in Cripple Creek is featuring its summer melodrama, “Hot Night In The Old Town.” This classic melodrama runs until August 25. This classic melodrama and olio brings in the exciting history of Cripple Creek’s wild west days of the past. In addition, the Butte is also hosting several other shows this summer and fall. For ticket information, and to make reservations, call 719-689-6402 or visitbuttetheater.com.
Saturday, Aug. 11
Gold Camp Trolley Tours, which started in early June, continue every Saturday through September 1. Sites, stories, and reenactors will cover both history and happenings of Cripple Creek, Victor, and The CC&V Gold Mine.The trolley will leave from the Cripple Creek Train Welcome Center next to the District Museum at both 11am and 2pm. (No morning tour on June 23rd during Donkey Derby Days.) Tours are $10 for adults and $5 for children. Sponsored by the City of Cripple Creek and The Gold Camp Victorian Society. For more information, call 719-439-0462 or 719-423-9481.
Railroads In the World’s Greatest Gold Camp. A special evening with Mel McFarland, a local regional railroad expert and historian. The event is set for Saturday, Aug. 11 from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Ag & Mining Museum in Victor, corner of Victor Avenue and Second Street. The public is invited to this presentation, enhanced with a collection of slides, and highlighting the railroads that once served the Cripple Creek & Victor Mining District. Visitwww.VictorHeritageSociety.com for details.
Jazz & Big Band Free Concert On The Green. Set for Saturday, August 11 and features exciting, high energy jazz at its best. Woodland Park’s own Swing Factory Big Band at 11 a.m., international stars Dotsero play contemporary jazz at 12:30 p.m. at Midland Pavilion, next to Ute Pass Cultural Center, 210 E. Midland Avenue, Woodland Park. All ages welcome. Food, beer and wine will be available. For more information, visit woodlandmusicseries.org.
Fossil Beds Activities and Hours. Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument is open year round. The Monument is now open from 8 am to 6 p.m. during July. Be prepared for outdoor conditions by taking a sweater/coat, wearing a hat and sunscreen, etc. There are no additional fees for any park programs beyond the daily entrance fee of $7.00 per adult (15 and younger are free). Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument offers 15 miles of beautiful, yet lesser known, hiking trails to explore, a free Junior Ranger Program, three short self-guided trails, a park video and museum exhibits, and bookstore. Some our key programs including: Yoga Hikes, Mondays, 9 am – 10:30 pm. Join a certified yoga instructor and a Park Ranger for a 1 hour and 15 minutes, 1 mile yoga hike. This will be a hike interspersed with standing yoga poses. This program is geared for beginner to intermediate yoga enthusiasts. Meet at the visitor center.Fossil Demonstration Excavation Site, Wednesdays from 10 am to noon Meet geologist, Dr. Bob Carnein at the demonstration excavation site and see the fossil beds in situ and learn about how excavations are conducted. This site is located off the Petrified Forest Loop approximately 1 mile round trip from the visitor center. Art in the Parks, Thursdays, 10 am to noon Everyone is an artist! Drop in and join volunteer artists and other visitors to sketch and/or water color paint scenes of Florissant Fossil Beds. We also have Wildflower Walks, and Bear and Mountain Lion Talks. These occur on Saturday. For additional information, please call (719) 748-3253 or visit our website: www.nps.gov/flfo or on Facebook or Twitter at /FlorissantNPS
Sunday, Aug. 12
Teddy Roosevelt revisited. The character of Theodore Roosevelt, as played by Don Moon, was developed as part of an advertising plan by one of Colorado most historic hotels. Don’s portrayal of Roosevelt took off and he has been part of many public and private events including the ground breaking of several public buildings and the opening of a time capsule from 1901 at Colorado College. The Pikes Peak Historical Society invites you to learn more about Theodore Roosevelt at the PPHS monthly Chautauqua on Sunday, August 12th at 2pm at the Florissant Library. The Library is located adjacent to the Florissant Community Park on 334 Circle Drive in Florissant. This program is presented as a public service of the Pikes Peak Historical Society in partnership with the Rampart Library District. Admission is free and refreshments are served. No reservation is required but arrive early, seating is limited. For more information call 719-748-8259 or 719-748-3861.
Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis Bingo. Join the fun at Shining Mountain during the 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Twenty dollars buys a packet for 10 games, 6 cards for each game It’s a great opportunity to have fun and socialize with your friends and neighbors. Come early and have dinner! Food and drinks will be available for purchase during the games! This event is sponsored by the Ute Pass-Woodland Park Kiwanis club. The proceeds benefit the children of Teller County. For more information, call Rita Randolph at 719-502-5085.
Salute to American Veterans Rally. Rated as one of the most popular events in the county, the Salute, featuring the largest motorcycle procession in the state, will occur from Aug. 17-19. The event features a number of events honoring current and former members of the armed services, including a veterans parade and various ceremonies.
The Lake George Gem & Mineral Show will be Friday August 17 through Sunday August 19 from 9 am to 5 pm each day. Entry and parking are free at the site along US Hwy 24 east of the Lake George Post Office. There will be over 30 dealers with rocks, minerals, crystals, fossils and jewelry. Specimens from around the world are available in addition to excellent local area specimens. This show began in 1999 and net proceeds from dealer booth space is used for scholarship support to students studying earth science. The show is sponsored by the non-profit Lake George Gem & Mineral Club, which is affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies and the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies. The LGGMC has monthly educational meetings at the Lake George Community Center and conducts an earth science educational program for area youth ages 8 and older. Club meetings are the second Saturday 9 am May-September or 10 AM October-April and the youth program meets on the third Wednesday at 6 pm during the school year. Guests are welcome at Club meetings but members only are allowed on field trips. For more information see the website at: LGGMClub.org.
The Colorado Springs Chorale, under the direction of Artistic Director Deborah Jenkins Teske, invites singers to audition for the premier adult chorus in the Pikes Peak Region. Our 62nd season will include performances at Pikes Peak Center with the Colorado Springs Philharmonic and the USAF Academy Band, as well as at the Shockley-Zalabak Theater at the new Ent Center for the Arts. Auditions for all voice parts will be held Tuesday, August 21st, and Wednesday, August 22nd at First Christian Church, 16 E. Platte Ave. Auditions are by appointment only and can be scheduled by calling the Chorale office at (719) 634-3737 or by email to jamie@cschorale.org. Singers should prepare one selection (no longer than three minutes, please) from opera, oratorio, cantata (sacred or secular), art song, or a concert arrangement of a folk song, hymn, or Broadway excerpt. It need not be in a foreign language or be memorized. No pop songs please. The audition will also include sight singing, aural recall, rhythm reading, and vocal exercises to demonstrate vocal range. For more information, visit www.cschorale.org.
Mining tours. Experience mining old and new this summer and explore gold rush history past and present at the Victor Lowell Thomas Museum. Tour experiences, sponsored by the Newmont Mning Corporation, will offer the chance to see giant haul trucks, shovels and drill rigs in action in the large surface mine between Victor and Cripple Creek, Colorado. Learn about the modern refining methods while helping to preserve the district’s 1890’s history – all tour proceeds go to the Museum to help offset operations and building renovation costs. This summer the mine tours will be available May 26 through Sept. 3 at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., daily except no tours will be held on Thursdays. In addition, tours are offered Sept. 8 and 9, 15 and 16 at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Check VictorColorado.com for additional tour times and dates during the summer weekends. The cost is $8.50 per person plus a small online booking fee – an affordable way for the entire family to see a real working gold mine. Only children 5 years of age and older are allowed on the tours. Please be sure to reserve your tour dates (June is the slowest and the best time to make a reservation) as they are very popular and fill up quickly. Reservations may be made online at VictorColorado.com or by leaving a message at 719-689-5509. The maximum on each tour is 13. The best way to reserve a mine tour is online at VictorColorado.com – online reservations receive first priority.
Cemetery Tours. Step back in time and learn about Victor’s 1890’s cemetery, its residents, and the history that brought them to the gold mining camp. These walking tours of the Sunnyside Cemetery are sponsored by the Victor Lowell Thomas Museum and will be held two Saturdays of each month from June 9 through the end of September as weather permits. Remaining tour dates are Aug, 11, 25, Sept. 8, 22.Local historians Veldean Myers and Alicia Petri will provide insights into the cemetery and its history. The event will be held at the Sunnyside Cemetery which is south of town on Seventh Street. Meet just outside the gate in Pauper’s Field by 11 a.m. Tickets can be purchased at the gate or at the museum at 298 Victor Ave. For more information, visit VictorColorado.com, email museum@victorcolorado.com or call 719-689-5509.
Manitou Springs/Colorado Springs
Pikes Peak Cycling Hill Climb. The Gran Fondo features a non-competitive fun ride on Aug. 11 that gives cyclists of all abilities a truly unique experience on Pikes Peak. There is a delayed opening on the highway until 9 am. Call 719-634-7333 ext. 1005 for more details.
Pikes Peak Ascent and Marathon. These popular events, featuring a running race to the top and bottom of Pikes Peak, is scheduled for Aug. 18 and Aug. 19. The Ascent, during which runners just race just to the top up Barr Trail, will occur on Aug. 18, while the Marathon, a race to the top and bottom, is slated for Aug. 19. This event typically attracts some of the premiere runners in the nation and world. For more information, call 719-473-2625 or info@pikespeakmarathon.org.
American Music Icons. Music’s greatest showmen – Bruno Mars, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, James Brown and more will come to life when Sonny G.’s AMERICAN MUSIC ICONS: Revue of Music’s Greatest Showmen visits Pikes Peak Center for the Performing Arts’ Studio Bee on Saturday, September 29 at 7:30 p.m. For one show only, renowned, Las Vegas entertainer Sonny G. will transform into each of these artists and bring audiences classic moves, original choreography, amazing dancers and routines with elaborate, intelligent lighting, props and special effects. From the Act 1 finale by the King of Hi-De-Ho himself in Cab Calloway to the one-hour, world-renowned theatrical tribute to Michael Jackson in Act 2, fans will enjoy the greatest hits of these music icons. Tickets for the performance are now available at the Pikes Peak Center box office, PikesPeakCenter.com, AXS.com or via phone at (719) 520-SHOW. They can also be purchased at the Broadmoor World Arena box office and BroadmoorWorldArena.com.