Dear Editor:
I would like to share with your readers some good news and some sad news regarding the 4 Mile Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services.
The sad news is we lost our beloved former fire chief Lance Crummett, who passed away on March 3.d after battling throat cancer for several years. Under his leadership, he was highly instrumental in forming the fire district and subsequently making 4 Mile Fire and EmergencyServices one of the best in the state. A very moving celebration ceremony of his life was held March 24th with all the other Teller County volunteer fire departments in attendance, along with many 4 Mile neighbors and friends.
Now for the good news: 4 Mile Fire and Emergency Services lS BACK AND THRIVINGI After
several years of having fallen into disarray and non-compliance of vehicles and equipment and the
disbanding of the auxiliary and EMS services, alarmed 4 Mile community residents demanded
accountability. With the replacement of three board members due to vacancies, the new board hired a new fire chief, Jack Lowe, and started working on the monumental task of getting our emergency services back in compliance and in good working order. Under the direction of the current board and the new chief, and many hours of hard work by volunteers in our community, we now have:A clean and orderly fire station, new fire-fighting and safety equipment, all vehicles have been repaired or replaced, our auxiliary and EMS services have been reinstated and we have a roster of 26 volunteer firefighters undergoing extensive training.
A BIG thank you to the current board members: Randy Bruggink, Jean Webb, Steve Witcher,
lrene Drallmeier and Stanley Bishop, who are all up for re-election.
I urge all 4 Mile District residents to turn out and vote on May 8, 2018, from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
at Station L,8437 Teller County Road #11.
Thank you,
Dar Conran
4 Mile Fire District