Additional COVID-19 Cases Confirmed in Teller County
Teller County Public Health and Environment has received notification of 2 additional lab-
confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Teller County. In one case, COVID-19 contributed to death.
Public Health is conducting the official case investigations and will be completing notification of
any close contacts of the identified cases.
Teller County Public Health and Environment has completed investigation of the first lab-
confirmed case identified on Monday, March 23, and notifications have been sent to affected
individuals and/or entities. Individuals who have been notified of possible exposure to the first
case are required to self-quarantine and/or self-isolate as appropriate for the recommended time
period defined in the notification.
All official case counts are verified and communicated through Public Health. It is important to
note that information and case counts are changing rapidly and are only confirmed through
public health notification.
For additional information and updated case counts, please visit the Colorado Department of
Public Health and Environment COVID-19 website at